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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

indeed, like in one of my frenz post.. running is getting less interesting as weeks went by.. Having to run an increasely amount of distance without giving us rest made the whole thing damn regimental and routined. Havin to stay till late evening on a book out dae made the runnning even worse.

Running has nv been an issue for me. Afterall,i love sports and jumpin ard like a monkey. But this activity is seriously in nid of a revamp. Especially when conducted in camp. Doing things without a motive can nv motivate a fella to put in his 110% effort, furthermore when the fella is forced to do it. A total illogical act.

Sometimes, it sets me thinking. If we people are taught wat is the meaning of meritocracy and democracy in our early daes, den why the hell the leftist school of thought are practiced in it? Does it even make any sense...


Friday, June 08, 2007

Sad sia.. kang has jus went into service.. a must under the Enlistment Act, in which All male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are required to serve National Service. There is it.. one down for tmr nitez. Don say i gay.. but i do miss him.

Anyway... jus gotta see some photos taken three months back.. It's long.. i noe.. but when i do have frenz who have no idea how impt photos are to the others.. things will nv change...

Once a blur cock, now a Sergeant sia.. His Men will enjoy good life.. confirm!

Once again.. don say i gay.. but i really do love these fellas..

Forget it.. nxt week will be the best.. Where i gotta enjoy almost the whole weeks as civilian.. fantastic!


Friday, June 01, 2007

haha.. there it goes, a best frenz of mine is goin to get enlisted soon.. to be exact on the 7th. The frustrating moment is not abt havin to serve the nation for peanuts, but the fact that people gotta learn to adjust and adapt to a totally new environment where normal civilians have difficulties on.

Frankly speakin, how many of us have witnessed sun rise durin our poly yearS? In fact, not a single soul would have taken breakfast even before the Sun has risen. Totally disengaged from the world, technologies are no longer a stone thrown away from ya, except cell phones, maybe. So, for all these, i gotta congrats my frenz for embarkin onto a new stage of life whereby Girls DON GET IT.

Argh.. not able to sleep for the whole nite. Went to MOS, in which aftermath i realised that place is not for me. Drinks play a significant role in determining the fun factor and when they are excessively overpriced, we jus couldn't enjoy the nite. As a result of tat, i wasted a nite and gotta endure of Kharma of that. Indeed, i deserved it. Furthermore, in few hrs time i gotta to book in for the fuddup parade rehearsal and book out aft tat. Jus simply couldn't understand wat the superiors are thinkin.


Sunday, May 13, 2007


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Well well, i used to have people telling me how exciting and fruitful were their holiday trips and now, it is my turn. I always enjoyed holidaying with people i'm close with no matter where's the destination (of course the happening the better). And this time round, it was no exception. I went on trip whereby the whole plane was chartered and no one other than us were on that EVA airplane. Some great, isn't it? Though my direct family isn't rich and famous, but i do have An AH GONG who is always willing to pay for our lodging, accomodations and travelling expenses so long that we are going there for a good cause.

Indeed, he paid for our flight to Taiwan and arranged for accomodation which enable us to get plenty of sunlight and enjoyed an experience which normal travellers might not have to luck. And the best thing was, he specially brought in vehicles to fetch us around and toured almost the entire southern part of Taiwan. Thats why i often tell people, acknowledge my Ah Gong as ur Ah Gong and u bound to get those benefits tat i enjoyed.

okay okay, time to stop this nonsense. And frankly speakin, i do enjoy my Taiwan trip to a great extend. Not that the scenic views of fruit trees and movement of Sun and Moon make me orgase, but the great curtail of events that enlightened me: Winning doesn't rely simply on brute or brain, but numbers.

Back in those days when i was still a trainee, i thought that positions are that matter in my Ah Gong's territory. but i was wrong. In fact, ten strands of uncooked spagetti might be able to break apart one hotdog. Cock rite? but is a fact. And is an undeniable, justifiable truth that is often untold in my Ah Gong's territory. And don worry, more stories will be coming up next.. jus wait!


Sunday, March 04, 2007

It is goin to be a mental torture for the next two months. Yes, we are headin to Taiwan for Exercises. Sounds good, isn't it? Well, the type of lifestyle we will be leading will be much more worst than what many have undergone thru during OBS. Imagine having to bathe under a condition whereby water is not widely available. Water pressure varies, not seasonally, not periodically but accordin to whether there is lady luck smiling at ya. Yes, we do have Rest and Recreation, indeed is goin to be fun. But having to go thru 15 daes of unreasonable lifestyle, the two days worth of recreational activities is not even enough to compensate. Worst still, we will be flying by China Airline. If u happen to come across a piece of news where an airline crashes, it may be me.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well, i thought i'm having a secured and enjoyable life in the fuckup army. Afterall, i'm enjoying a good appointment and welfare is comin my way sooner or later. These are all from theysay.com with no justification. Where is the pride and ego.. Since when do i have to start serving people from the general neccessities to minor wants. Theysay.com once quoted, Served and you shall be rewarded. F**k it i say, when the price to pay is exhorbitant. Being at the becks and calls of my dear boss is jus like leadin a life of a philpino maid (well no offence to them) and having my off daes twice per week. Maybe, to serve and u will be served. Kharma.. i believed it now.


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