Friday, June 08, 2007
Sad sia.. kang has jus went into service.. a must under the Enlistment Act, in which All male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are required to serve National Service. There is it.. one down for tmr nitez. Don say i gay.. but i do miss him.
Anyway... jus gotta see some photos taken three months back.. It's long.. i noe.. but when i do have frenz who have no idea how impt photos are to the others.. things will nv change...

Once a blur cock, now a Sergeant sia.. His Men will enjoy good life.. confirm!

Once again.. don say i gay.. but i really do love these fellas..
Forget it.. nxt week will be the best.. Where i gotta enjoy almost the whole weeks as civilian.. fantastic!
Friday, June 01, 2007
haha.. there it goes, a best frenz of mine is goin to get enlisted soon.. to be exact on the 7th. The frustrating moment is not abt havin to serve the nation for peanuts, but the fact that people gotta learn to adjust and adapt to a totally new environment where normal civilians have difficulties on.
Frankly speakin, how many of us have witnessed sun rise durin our poly yearS? In fact, not a single soul would have taken breakfast even before the Sun has risen. Totally disengaged from the world, technologies are no longer a stone thrown away from ya, except cell phones, maybe. So, for all these, i gotta congrats my frenz for embarkin onto a new stage of life whereby Girls DON GET IT.
Argh.. not able to sleep for the whole nite. Went to MOS, in which aftermath i realised that place is not for me. Drinks play a significant role in determining the fun factor and when they are excessively overpriced, we jus couldn't enjoy the nite. As a result of tat, i wasted a nite and gotta endure of Kharma of that. Indeed, i deserved it. Furthermore, in few hrs time i gotta to book in for the fuddup parade rehearsal and book out aft tat. Jus simply couldn't understand wat the superiors are thinkin.