Friday, May 19, 2006
Living a life as a wastrel, maybe a word too harsh to be used here, but i think i am now... haha.. While exclassmates, sec friends and even pri friends are consistently living a life of 9-5 in Shenton Way, i'm practically having the contrary. 5-9 in hometown, neighbouring regions are when i belonged to. Turning on the tv, switching to channel 22, 23 and 24 iis a common activity i've engaged for the past one month (inclusive of Apr).
Well, some say, "come on, u are enjoying ur life right now! Afterall, u will be doing GREAT for the society in the near future.. To be exact, 7th of July rite?" (THese are those who belonged to the same boat as me..)
While others claimed, "Hey what fucking shit are u doing? Instead of engagin in proper activities, u are there living a life as a.. what u called that.... Ya! Beng.." (Closest kins)
Ya rite.. they have their freedom of speech and have all rights to use me as a talking point.. But i care? Damn it and heck care.. Jus living a life with NO WORRIES!
Monday, May 15, 2006
I'm experiencing a change in me - becoming sadistic as each day goes by. The failure of peeps relationship is will brighten up my day. haha.. Ya is true... Afterall, being a firm believer of enjoyment and critic of love, singlehood will bring out the best of each human soul and love will only kills off peeps' days as the relationship weakens.. It either break off the bond b/w u and ur friends, or it simply spoils ur day as the agony from argument start to take a toll on ya...
Come on peeps, face the reality.. True love does exist, but it comes with a price, a heavy one. It doesn't pay to put in so much and in the end, what u will get is only memories... Sound demoralising.. And time will prove its value...
Friday, May 12, 2006

That was the time when i went Kuming, Yunnan. I got a funny hairstyle rite after my Chinese O lvl... Well, have to accomodate the culture of China... But it was a really great time with my bunch of jokers!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Darn it.. make one mistake and you're condemned.. It doesn't even help if you cont. to explain.. When everybody turns against you, nothing can be done except believing in yourself...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
|Cause she's bittersweet
|She knocks me off of my feet
|And I can'help myself, I don't want anyone else
|She's a mystery
|She's too much for me
|But I keep comin' back for more
|She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
|Just the girl I'm lookin' for
|She's just the girl I'm lookin' for