Friday, September 30, 2005
well, everybody seems to be looking forward to 30th sept, 4.10p.m. The reason why i am able to be so precise with the timing is that i'm part of them. After two weeks of dilligence and intelligence, it is the day when we can officially declared that Sem 1 is over. Well, time flies isn't it? JUs few months back, i'm still stuck in NTUCIncome settling all the claims for the insured. Life was pretty static over there, afterall it was an office lifestyle. Another day for all the suits and ties. Luckily, there were people over there acc me to pass through the 2 months. Otherwise, i wondered how would it turn out to be?
When two months were over and we were back in sch, Nobody seemed to be ready for it. Practically everyone was claimin that they were suffering from Post-ITP-Syndrome and well, i'm part of that too. It nearly took us few weeks b4 we realised sch had really started.
And interestingly, life was much more easier this sem. All the modules we were takin aren't that dull and repetitive. Challenging, brain-teaser and even excitments were adjs. that we are able to use to describe them. Thankfully, I am in DBF. Especially 07. Unity in the class has made me realised how great it is. Politics were way off from this class. Though there are times where gossips will fly, but it is jus part and parcel of a life, isn;t it? lolx, And now, the Sem is going to end and no one can deny the fact that we have a great, wonderful and fulfilling sem this time round.
Great job for the class. Last minute work did appear, but quality is around there. So who cares whether time=quality? And lastly, after later, I'm headin to Bintan for a holiday and firmly believe it gonna be wonderful!!!! YEah!! IS OVER!!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Well, exam period is always so draining. Time management skill is damn impt throughout this period. Have to balance between play and study. Anyway, some of my friends have been commenting abt my blog.Like one friend of mine, Mr Boo jus said, "you joker. Blog is meant for people to understand you more and you are writing some other stuff." Well, i thought you have already understand me well enough??
But is ok, i will jus talk abt my life for todae. Or maybe i should start from yesterday. Damn shagged! Imagine watching a match that will result in either increasing or reducing your weekly allowance. A title challenger, West ham has actually drawn with a relegation contender Arsenal. The ball is round, isn't it? They shld have won, but maybe out of sympathy, they go for a draw. And that resulted in a reduction in my pocket money. And the morale of story, speculation is always 50-50.
Studyin isn't that tough actually. And for a person who has no self-discipline, the only way out is to maximise the brain at that moment of studying. I think that is the only way out to score well for a totally un-self-discipline guy. I refering to myself. I wanted to write a long blog now... unfortunately my rectum is overfilled and i have no choice but to end this... Sorry man!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Well, i jus had a wonderful meal at Newton with the rest of my friends. It was great as it comprised of my fav food, cockles a.k.a. Sea Harm, if din spell wrongly. And then, someone asked, 'how do cockles reproduced?" Great question i supposed. Afterall it is my fav food, shldn't i obliged to know more about them so as to have a greater and closer relationship with them? And when i consume them, at least i can eat peacefully as i know how exactly they reproduced and won't affect their life cycle thoroughly.
Well, back to how cockles reproduced. As easy as always, i went googling and i found out that COCKLES
actually have seperated sexes. So, they have both male and female organs in a single cockle. Isn't that amazing? So what kind of fertilization do they get involved in?
Well, the male released their sperms into the sea while the female released it planktonic ovaries into the same place. Metamorphorsis takes place and a baby cockle is born. And well, cockles belonged to the same family as Oysters, Clams, Scallops and they are commonly known as Bivalves. It simply means two parts. So ?? haha...

And also, Cockles don eat SHIT. They consumed planktons, just like BIG WHALES. IS true man.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Wow, had my TA paper jus now. Though i was almost fully prepared, i wasn't confident of the paper. JUs feel cheated by my lecturer. Wasted my bloody time on all the past years papers when onli a two marks worth question reappeared in the paper from past years. And he had the cheek to tell us, "oh i tryin something diff..." Well, it was really diff!!! lolx...
Back to part 2 of the story. Why shouldn't we get into a relationship? True enough like one of ya said, no matter attached or not, life still goes on and we are able to cont with our lives. Then why shld we cont to look for a partner at this moment of time?
So allowed me to present my point of views to ya guys. Firstly, when you got a partner, time management is really a must. Dividing your time among ur friends, partner, family as well as studies and work is a skill, a skill that is extremely tough to master. If any improper segregation, sparks will fly. Then don expect any better hours ahead.
Secondly, you will realise that you are no longer feeling secured when your partner went out with other parties. Though this is only applicable to certain people. Then again, sparks will fly and this time, firewoods are fed to keep the fire burning.
Thirdly, certain stuff of yours got to be sacrificed. For example, if your bf don't like ya to hang out some certain people, are you going to ignore his request? No way... Then your friends will be distanced for the time being. Or even for guys, when your gf hated you to stay out late in pubs to watch soccer, are you going to tell ya, "hey bitch jus shut ur ass up and don interfere into my affairs?" Well, no way too.
Fourthly and this is especially true durin exam periods. When your gf/bf happens to finish exam earlier then ya and she/he went out with her friends for celebrations, you will feel uneasy. Not because she is with other people except ya, but because she can enjoy and u can't. And then, the worst is, she/he called and said, "HeY I"M NOW WATCHING MOVIE. SO NICEEEE!!!." and you are stucked at home slogging for ur exams. Well, how?
Sunday, September 18, 2005
It is a totally diff. feeling and behaviour when one is attached and not. Well, seems like even the lifestyle is totally diff. When one is in the former state, you will
seldom find him/her online, with his/her friends, weekends free, cash rich, engage in funny activities. On the other hand, when one isn't attached, you will find that his/her weekends are with his or her friends, poor, always online in msn, writing blogs and bla bla bla. So why do one actually wish to get into a relationship?
It is hard to come out with a logical ans. Jus try from another approach. Some people told me," Is all about FEELINGS. When it comes, there is no way you can escape from it." Well i agree and seems like the emotional force is even greater than GRAVITATIONAL PULL. Newton, you are losing out to CUPID.
Others are telling me, "Come on, is enjoyable and satisfying to be attached. U are practically training all four aspects of human, Physically, Mentally, Emotional and Spiritually.
Physically - Got to acc him/her go shopping, or occcasionally exercising, staying out late and walk from bishan to Khatib.
Mentally - Got to learn how to handle the opposite sex and at times, play some MIND GAMES with him/her. Furthermore, your knowledge in biology will get deeper and wider.
Emotionally - Of course learn how to ctrl when he/she is getting out of their MIND. Tolerate, Accomodate, Compromise are somethings there one will learn. And of course, learning to relieve yourself in times of relaxation
Spiritually - Well, this depends on yourself i believe!
So why not get into a relationship? I shall discuss this tml!
Saturday, September 17, 2005

And well, this is the crazi class i'm refering to. On From left (clockwise), Ping, Leng, Sarah, Shan, Han, Andri, Joyce, Seng and James. And the one in white pants is definitely me! haha
Life is getting easier as each day goes by. I'm rather delighted to be in such a state whereby though exam is jus round the corner, but there was totally no stress. And on top of that, i;m still pretty confident with the modules. Hope that it is a good sign. Afterall, the sem is the best of the five sems that i have encountered in this 5/2 years. Modules are great, specialised, interesting, exhilarating etc... Friends are great too. They are my classmates, and i considered them as my friends too! Well, these two words have been constantly emphasized for the past one month, ever since Mr Cheng started it. So is beta for me to be specific this this column.
Well, like others, i'm definitely overwhelmed by the extraordinary ending of the trading competition. Although it further enhanced on the arrogance of this class, but who cares? Having true friends is much more impt than other things. Seems like the chemistry among this class is really there. Judging from the way we done our trade.
Well, the immense preparations that we have during our tutorial trading have really paid off. No one has ever commented in the class that tradin is boring (except for few occasions when someone really made a big damn loss). LOlx.. You guys shld noe who i'm refering to! Well, thanks to her, we are always able to make profits as afterall, trading is a zero0sum game! SOMEONE MUS LOSE SO THAT WE CAN WIN. HAHA.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Well, everyday i been putting up a post that reflects my thinkin of everything, in particular personal thinking. I pretty much like this type of stuff. Maybe to me personal development is the most important stuff in this great wide world. Afterall like what Adam Smith said, the world will be at its best when everybody focus in doing what is best for him/her.
So long that knows what they want, then definitely the focus will be there. This is what i firmly believe in.
Yeah, after watching A Beautiful mind, i was thinking how exactly mathematics can solve human problems. Maybe it is jus possible. Jus talking about LEARNING.
We all learned what is zero-sum game all about. That is 1=1, or 1-1=0. Yeah? So inorder to increase the value to 2, (taking into account that value is the experience of a person, the higher the better), both sides must increase by 1. So 2=2, or 2-2=0. So no matter what, there is no point in which they can cooperate. SO in other words, in life when someone wins, someone will lose. One will be positive and the other will be negative.
Is that really the case in life? Lets take the most basic lesson that we face everything as an eexample. EXAMS. Well, people were arguing, "Hey in exams no one loses. Each live by his own standard. So if he reaches his standard, he wins and nobody loses as he doesn't affect anybody marks."
yeah i agree with the argument. But is human flawless? Are we born in a society where competition is discouraged? Are there no ranking in this world? Can we jus ignore everything and live with only our own standard?
If we are able to, thhat is really wonderful. We will be defying the law of zero-sum. And frankly, if we were to break the law, then we will be heading back to the COMMUNISM. WHICH ACTUALLY DEFINES as everybody is equal, or are they really?

well, have a great nite todae. It was fantastically great. And on top of that, i managed to get a photo of the innovator of our famous BJI. It is jus above. Isn't she famous? haha... Well is jus another typical lady with curly hair. One of my friend actually love to call her.... p***y! Go solve it urself what does it mean.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Well, i had jus completed watching a BEAUTIFUL MIND. It really set my mind thinking, are numbers the only variables to define logics? Or in other words, are logics really logical? Are logics part and parcel of our life? Mus we really justify everything that we have in our lifE?
What John Nash was saying the most mysterious equation in life is love. What i'm saying is the most unsolvable question in life is a question of certainty. I mean he is right in saying love can nv be defined. There is no reason as to why love exist between only these two people and not the other two. There is no justification as to why people are able to sacrifice everything for love. Is love really that invaluable? Well, i'm not a guy in this and i'm in no position to discuss abt this.
Back again, similarly to love, can certainty be defined? Who can be certain of certainty does certainly exist? Who can 100% sure that Arsenal tonite will defeat a minnow FC THUN? Who can be certain that America is free of terrorism despite of all the security measureS? And who can be certain that in life we can certainly expect this or thaT? Well, we can't and there is no way we can solve this as probability only increase our confidence, but is probability inspiring or possibility?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I have no idea since when people start to ask each other, "how and How??" In other words, instead of jus trying out by themselves, they have begun to learn to rely on someone for answers. Maybe their philosophy is "Avoid Uni of Hardknocks at all cost," and then "if anything goes wrong, i can blame him/her."
Well, i suppose it is a great idea afterall. Firstly, one does not have to use his mental power at all. Secondly, his emotional side will not be affected as anything goes wrong, "IT IS NOT MY FAULT. HE TOLD ME THE ANSWER," will be his first defensive weapon. And thirdly, his self-deceiving skill has gone up another level.
Come on, lets face the facts. It is understandable that shouldering the blames are rather tough. I've been through that plenty of times. Whenever i've suggest to go anywhere, and jus coincidentally something happened at that place, i ganna the blame. Whenever people ask me HOW and i kindly offer them the solutions, things went right is good. But if things went wrong, there goes my day.
But at the end of the day, no matter how much blame i shouldered, i still manage to learn something out of it. I mean we all noe what exactly is KHARMA. Not the karma but is KHARMA. Well, anyway i mean everything happens for a reason. For every cause, there is an effect. So, for every mistake i make, i learn something and on top of that, i'm slowly becoming immune to all the criticisms.
Well, i suppose it is a good thing. And the moral of this blog is that, HOW should always be the last word to use whenever one is face with any problem. Shouldering the blame if something goes wrong will ensure one learn more than jus using others' ideas.
Monday, September 12, 2005
It is gratifying to note people are commenting on stuff in here. Frankly speaking. Well, passing away is jus part and parcel of life and there is no justification as to why they should leave this world. The only thing is this, what will exactly happen if things din happen as it is todae?
What i mean is this, if time can reverse, what do you wan to do and what are the repurcussions of that? As for me, the first part of my life i wish to go back to is when i was 10. That was the first time i was selected to represent my sch in some inter-sch competition in sports. Well, if only i had trained hard enough, i might be able to win some honours back. But unfortunately, everything happened for a reason. And the lesson i learned was life wasn't all about luck or fate as one might argue. As the old saying goes, "One reaped whatever he had sowed." Our own destiny is created with our own hands and brain. If one believed that talent is good enough to win some stuff, does it mean that Raw Diamond can outfight polished Diamond?
In fact, a well utilised copper is even more valuable than a raw diamond.
The start of armageddon
It was just another day
We all saw the news, nothing to say
So many friends are missing
And family members gone
So we all pray that god help them be strong
And now we stand together
Remembering that day
The lives we live will never be the same
And we don't know why
The innocent die
Will this world ever find a way to change?
And we don't know why
But we know it's not right
Don't know why so many had to die
Don't know why so many had to die
Hate is turn to others
For their religion or their skin
But hate can't solve the problem it began
Everyone is angry
People are afraid
No one knows what decisions will be made
And we don't know why
The innocent die
Will this world ever find a way to change?
And we don't know why
But we know it's not right
Don't know why so many had to die
Don't know why so many had to die
And we don't know why (don't know why)
The innocent die (don't know why)
Will this world ever find a way to change?
And we don't know why (don't know why)
But we know it's not right (don't know why)
Will any of us ever be the same
Will any of this ever be the same
I don't know why
The innocent die
Will any of us ever be the same
Will any of this ever be the same
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Well, if rejection is a must, then forcing is not needed. Nv my in my i believe in forcing people to do what they have declined. So, stopping is a mus i believe. Anyway, is quite redundant in this case to talk more abt it.
Anyway, todae's sales isn't that good. (I'm workin as Abn Amro Promoter). It is gettin tedious and months go by and i believe is gonna be even more difficult in the future. But no choice, this is part and parcel of life. Nothing can stay easy forever. Beginners' lucks are diminishing and is time to use experience to overcome the adversities.
Project week is always one that most hate. Especially when projects deadlines are somewhere near the exam period. It is the worst of all. And who can we blame? OURSELVES. Afterall, our philosophy is to do last min stuff. But well, is a great training i believe.!!!
Saturday, September 10, 2005

When food is concerned, don irritate me by taking photos. U can nv see my laughter...

Well, don keep commenting abt my small eyes. As there is another guy who's eyes are smaller than me. At least my eyeballs can be seen!!! Sorry man Andy!
Well, this is the first place i ever went to by plane. The southern Part of CHina, Kuming, Yunnan. Is great seriously speaking. As it was with friends
Well, my group of friends and i went watchin One more Chance this evening. As expected, this show lived up to a certain standard that i have set for Mr Jack Neo. Indeed, it activated my thinking cap and end up , 've asked myself two Questions. 1) Will i ever hire an ex-convict? 2) What are the differences b/w an ex-convict and a immoral person who was nv convicted?
To be honest, it is challenging to actually be magnanimous enough to get an ex-convict to be an employee, or rather to be a manager. The reason is that how is he/she going to gain respect from the others? Maybe time can heal everything, even relationships. Do we have the time?
On the other hand, if i'm in their shoes, do i wan to be given one more chance? Is obvious, of course. Thats why people who have nv been convicted will nv truly understand the mentality of them. Well, maybe there can be a benchmark for hiring them. Like one of my friends, Mr Marcus mentioned to me, "if i'm in the healthcare industry, i will nv hire a rapist." But can we still hire someone who steals? I mean, why Not? A thief will nv steal medicines that aren't going to bring them values. In addition, as long as they don hold financial positions, wouldn't that be fine? Like someone who was once convicted for rioting can be used as a supervisor in construction site. Afterall, he had the gung-ho attitude to make a project succeed.
This bring me to another question, what is the diff b/w a conman who was caught and a conman who wasn't caught? Does this make the latter a better guy than the former? No! Instead, the latter might be even worst. Afterall, he hasn't been taught a lesson yet. So how is he going to change from bad to good? Well, people may argue, "but how are we going to ensure who is conman and who is not?" True, nobody noes.
But for those who have been convicted you know for sure he had been severely punished by law and shouldn't we for the benefit of doubt, believe that they have learned a lesson?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
wow, pretty sleepy todae. Jus can't wake up to go sch, seems like sleep is gaining importance in my life compared to the other stuffs. In other words, i'm becoming more like a bum... Well, life isn't suppose to be like this, is it?
Jus can't understand one thing.. What is the reason for people to engage in last minute work? Even for myself, even though the deadline was set long ago, work will not commence till the last few days (depending of the sophisication of the work). Is there anyways to change this attitude? Or is this attitude is a good thing in life?
The reason why i'm stating the latter is because the ability to produce last-minute work is a virtue. Firstly, we learned to focus during emergency. Secondly, we have shown our resourcefulness as we do not have to seek for anybody's help (well who can we seek for when we do it so last minute?). And thirdly, the ability to be flexible is another skill we learned while we cont. to do last minute work. Well isn't it a good thing?
Back again, people always tell me, "Hey ash, this isn't the right way to do this. A better way shld be...." Well, they may right, i don't deny that. The only thing that is bothering me is this: Does it really matters if we must do things right at first try? Can't we be allowed to make mistakes?
Graduating from the Uni of Hardknocks has always been my philosophy in life. Theory simply jus can't sink into my neurotic brain. No matter how hard i try to believe in theories, make them work, it simply can't work.
If thats the case, shld i still be bothered with all the out-of-concern or this is for your own good advices? If i don listen and things really go wrong, then critics will start commenting, "See, i've told ya that earlier!"
Well well, lessons can only be learned when one make mistake. Jus imagine, it is possible to find someone who nv makes mistakes? EVen if there is, if coincidentally he happens to make a mistake, will he be able to take it?
What i'm actually trying to say is that it is nice to offer people valuable advices. However if he/she din follow it and happens to make a mistake, it is possible for us to jus encourage him/her and ensure that they learn a lesson instead of jus keep on stamping him? Well, i firmly believe we shld do the former.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Well, the mkt went down! seems like the retracement has ended and I shall follow the mkt and be bearish!!! At 7.8!
Having a written test has always been easy for us. Afterall we are used to the format of written papers and definitely are able to equip ourselves fully. Well, when something changes, our confidence for the matter drop and no longer are able to believe in myself.
This is what is exactly happening today. Having to do paper trade using technical analysis is challenging, any wrong move will result the a significant change in P&L, well this is what i think. Thats why I have to pray and believe that the mkt will be bullish for at least 4 days!!!

And slowly, i may turn out to be this??? WOw, is jus a joke!

Luckily, i managed to recover and this is my latest MOOD!
Well, this is the sweet memories of mine. Unfortunately, it was the past! haha, she dumped
me for another guy, so sad!!!! ARHHHHHHHHH
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Arghh... Globalisation again. What is so great about globalisation? Cheaper goods? More employment? Higher standard of living? Faster productivity? Or it is meant to allow people to enjoy a wider range of tourism destinations?
Well, if globalisation is that great, why are there more disasters happening? Are we really enjoying cheaper goods? With globalisation, our pay is relatively lower compared to the previous times. The reason is with increasing competition, companies are cutting cost and ultimately, human cost are always the first to be reduced. Thus, in relative terms, are we really having lower prices for retail goods?
With globalisation, jobs are being cut and cheaper labour are preferred. Thus, unemployment increased and we again are becoming jobless and lower paid.
On top of that, standard of living did increase. But working hours? Globalisation requires companies to function 24/7 and people of course have to work near to 24/7 too. Thus, who exactly are able to enjoy the so-called "higher standard of living?"
Well, faster productivity is only because the cost of labour is greatly reduced and thus, the so-called production/cost which is also known as productivity is increased. But the fact is that people are getting stressful and the ability to work efficiently and effectively is lowering each day.
Well, the only good thing about globalisation is when we are able to visit more countries and enjoy the different tastes of environment. Ranging from exotic flavours to classy feelings, people are finally to enjoy and find places to relieve the stress incurred while globalisation takes place.
Well, there has been a famous technical instrument appearing in the market. If Iam not wrong, it’s abbreviation is called BJI, but what does it exactly stands for I have no idea. Let us have a look at how it works.

The Red line is 9-EMA
the Black is BJI.
Well, from what i learn, the formula of calculating BJI is
Y= 9-EMA * (1/Jd)
where jd can is the decision of J**ce. If it is a BUY, it should be less than one.
If it is a SELL, it should be more than one.
Buy: Jd<1
Sell: Jd>1
The value of Jd depends on the confidence of J**ce.
Well , as long as the BJI is below the EMA, it is a sell signal. If it above the BJI, it is a buy signal.
It works, really.
Monday, September 05, 2005
It is often a norm for audiences to critcise and pass unneccessary comments regarding the professionalism and the techniques of the participant. Well, some people often argue," since you are so good, why don't you partipate?"
True enough, it often left the critics stumbled as they realised in terms of technique, they are way below the participant. However, does it mean that they have no right to comment? Definitely no.
Firstly, we paid to watch and they are paid to participate. In terms of the flow of money, we are jus like the boss and they are definitely the subordinates. Bosses like to talk and they have all the rights to comment whatever they dislike. Thus, we have the right.
Secondly, when we criticise them, it means that they are the centre of attention. Audiences care for them and thats why we comment heavily. Otherwise, would we even be bothered to open our mouth considering the fact that SIngaporeans hate to open their mouths?
Thirdly, if the audiences don criticise, it means the performances are perfect and as the quote goes, "nothing is perfect in this world" and so, we are going against the law of nature. Is this the right thing to do? No no and No.
Fourthly, praises are meant to motivate and critics are meant to spur improvement. At the end of the day, isn't improvement is what the participants are looking for? Well, we provide the sparks and is up to them if they are able to find the firewoods.
Well, life goes on with criticism and is great to have audiences passing negative remarks regarding urs performances! to be truthful!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Since historical times, people have been arguin if the world is round or flat. Be it literally or philosophically, the world is always round. A life cycle, human parts, sports equipments etc... Even the way people think, it is always along the same circular line (circumference) and nv out of the path b4.
Well, if the world is flat, what would happen? There will be a startin point, as well as an ending point. Processes will be more valuable than results. Vicious cycle will never happen. There won't night and day. People will not travel that much. Karma won't occur. Oil prices won't go up. We can travel to galaxy more easily.
Well, is this crap or truth? I have no idea as the world is always and will always be round. This is a fact we must accept.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Well, if we are able to stick to our principles and live as it goes, that will be great. I mean it is simple to say this, but are we really able to do that? A moment of peer pressure will result in contradictory actions and discrimination is part and parcel of life.
Making a difference of what we choose is a key to success in everything. We are able to tell ourselves we are able to do it> But are we really able to? Is that the truth or lie? Time will tell... It jus seems like no one is able to justify anything and we can only pray we will reap whatever we've done.. Then the truth will Prevail!
I'm glad that 33 is doing a great job and i hope that u guys can keep it up with it! Jus do it and keep faith with ur goals and VIsion,guys fight for it!